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- Chronic bronchitis
- Asthma, Hay Fever
- Ear infection
- Breathlessness, chest tightness
- Pneumonia after acute stage
- Bronchiectatic disease
- Smoker’s cough (including secondary smoke)
- Cough with viscous sputum discharging with difficulties
- Dry, paroxysmal cough with distant rales
- Dry rales (mostly with low tone) changing its localization during auscultation
- Frequent acute disorders of respiratory tract
- Pharyngitis
- Multi-chemical sensitivity syndrome
- Sinusitis/sinus inflammation
- Respiratory infections
- Respiratory allergies to industrial and household pollutants
- Rhinitis
- Tonsillitis
- Eczema
- Psoriasis
The concentration is 1-10 mg/m3 is in the Salt Cave and a normal adult’s daily recommended salt intake is 6g, from this you can see that the amount of salt going into your respiratory system is really low. Even if you would eat it instead of breathing it that amount would not trigger any issue. In the lungs however it kills the bacteria, reduce the mucus and inflammation.
The microclimate is 3 times cleaner in The Salt Cave than in a sterile surgery room in a hospital therefore it is almost impossible to catch any infection or bacteria during the therapy.
A stable hypoallergenic, hypobacterial environment is maintained in the therapeutic room. The assessment of the microbial contamination during a session of Halotherapy proves that 1m3 contains from 90 – 200 saprophytic microorganisms (according to WHO standards on air sterility, 1 m3 should contain less than 300 microbial bodies). If somehow any bacteria would get into the Cave during and it would not be killed by the 6 tons of salt located in the Cave due to the 15 minutes ventilation after each session it would be blown out from the building.
Indications for efficient use of salt:
- Healthy or apparently healthy people exposed to the salt atmosphere approx. 30 min / day to obtain the results of prevention and mineralization of body for 12 to 18 days a cure, which may be repeated cyclically few months or whenever necessary.
- For asthma, depending on the degree of manifestation of the disease, 30 min – 30 min / day for 24 to 30 days / relief that can be repeated cyclically, with a rest period of approx. 3-6 months, or times whenever one needs.
- For various respiratory diseases, depending on their degree of expression 30 min / day for 14 to 24 days / cure and the treatment of prevention, especially in periods of change of seasons, when bodies are prone to illness, 30 min / day for min. 12 days.
- Remineralizare in the treatment of the body, in the treatment of maintenance in the treatment of relaxation, in the treatment of recovery, in the treatment of prevention, etc. 30 min / day
Whenever one wants min. 30 min. / day.
Salt Pipes purchased from the internet could be cheap, but obviously they cannot provide the same quality aerosol, which plays key role in the healing of the respiratory system. Salt particles in the pipe soon become oxidised after a few usage, therefore won’t be able to make any healing effect.
Unlike the natural cave/salt mine clinic, the artificial Salt Cave with our special nebulizer is a controlled environment where the salt aerosol concentration, temperature and humidity are constant and the size of the salt aerosol is controlled (1-5mkm). The air is hypobacterial, allergen free and saturated with dry sodium chloride aerosol. A session in our Salt Cave takes 30 minutes and patients come back 10-30 times depending on their condition. Meanwhile in a natural salt cave, people spend 2-3 hours a day, during a period of 2-3 months.
Therefore the healing effect will be much lower of a non-controlled microclimate than a controlled one where information is sent back to the device in every second and it can continuously adjust the parameters in order to provide a stable, efficient aerosol.
The second reason is that children are shorter therefore they are breathing in the air at lower levels. The air is always more polluted closer to the ground, (e.g. This is why the buggies are higher these days than 20 years ago) The third reason is that children are breathing the air in much more often than adults do. Therefore they are breathing in more polluted air with not fully developed filtering system than adults.
The inhaled micro particles of extra pure Sodium Chloride affects the flow of secretions of the respiratory passages and strengthens the vibrations of cilia, allowing the secretions to be removed quickly and respiratory passages to be cleared, bringing an easier and comfortable breathing pattern.
Salt therapy helps in clearing the nasal passages, diminishes the snoring and obtain a more relaxed and therapeutic sleep.
The Halotherapy is a real help in opening and clearing the airways and get rid of stuffy nose and wake-ups during the night. Salt therapy sessions will increase the resistance to flu and cold and a faster recovery after an episode.